Health IT Strategic Plan

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Concerning the policy and regulation, the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 (Plan) explains how the federal government intends to apply the effective use of information and technology to help the nation achieve high-quality care, lower costs, a healthy population, and engaged individuals. This Plan focuses on advancing health information technology (health IT) innovation and use for a variety of purposes; however, the use of health IT is not in itself an end goal. (The office of the National Coorodinator for Health Information Technology, 2015)
Technology can help the patients to achieve their goals. Everyone has a role to protect a patients’ privacy and health information. According to Information Technology and HIPAA article, the …show more content…

Information is central to setting and accomplishing individual and systemic goals and improvement plans; however, information alone even when electronically generated and shared cannot improve the nation's health. It will take the collective efforts of many stakeholders using electronic health information in meaningful and effective ways, alone and in partnership with one another, to help achieve the nation's full health potential
Hospitals and physician offices across the nation have made great efforts in transitioning from paper to electronic systems and processes since the federal government released its prior health
IT strategy in 2011. This has resulted in remarkable growth in health IT adoption and use among these provider types. Additionally, hospitals across the country have achieved striking increases in electronic health information exchange. In the event of an emergency the health records are available when it is needed. For example, when a person goes to the emergency room with a heart attack, it would take few munities to get his or her records while on paper systems would take more 30 to 45 munities trying to get a patient folder. Patients have easy access to their own information so they can understand what has been done. Patients also can find any information their need on the internet before they go to see a doctor which makes them understand what is going on with their health. Technology saves time for both patients and professionals. When a patient goes to a doctor and needs to do labs, it is fast to get results which helps patient to get treated as soon as the results come