
Health Information System Stakeholders

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Organizations want to provide a mechanism for sharing patient’s health-related information. Their goals are to secure, protect the information confidentially among the patients and stakeholders. Health Information Systems apprehend houses, manages or even transfers information that pertains to ones’ health and the activities of a hospital or other organization which deals with health divisions. HIS also incorporates the system of laboratory info system, the hospital itself, the patients, administration, human resource management and any resources that helps the entire hospital to function in ways that it processes information, collects and reports out health information to help generate policy and health results. In order for the system to …show more content…

Stakeholders that makes up the panel of HIS implementation consist of the executive board, they are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) whom leads the and helps to develop the, he also makes sure everything in the organization or hospital is in order to runs smoothly and oversees the board of directors that are appointed. The CEO also helps to manage everyday tasks of the hospital and implement plans of the company. They are responsible for the sink or fail of the organization or company. Second in command would be the Chief Operating Officer (COO). He or she oversees all the companies’ functions and helps support program. They too have an extremely stressful job, keeping records and having the responsibility continuous flow of the company. Although the COO is second in command, they work closely with theChief financial Officer (CFO) whom handles all financial issues of the IT reports and functions of department. They are much responsible for communicating with outsider or vendors that will better serve the organizations IT issues. They mainly cut costs of the system or technology concerns. Also, Vice President (VP) and the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the organization have the power to make decisions of making ways to increase the organizations profits for better service and good quality …show more content…

Industry leadership requires direction in security practices constructed upon a clear understanding of the legitimate framework, informational content and context, and technical resolutions; which can include technical standards, and architectures, necessary to attain secure and effective interoperable HIE. Many of these issues and solutions are not unique to healthcare and much can be learned from other information-intensive industries such as banking, payment cards, insurance, and

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