Health Issues Affected By Social Media

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The health issues caused by social media can have a very serious outcome for example; depression in teens and young adults from fourteen to twenty four is most prevalent in this age gap because in this age gap is they most social media users. Depression is a very serious sickness and can lead to suicide. In a like manner, social isolation is a similar form of mental illness most frequently caused by social is proven that those who spend two or more hours glued to a screen will feel more socially isolated then those who spend less than a half an hour on their accounts. It may not seem like it but social isolation can lead to many serious problems for young people. Anxiety is also a negative effect of social media that can result in …show more content…

With all of these negative outcomes of social media involving academic participation and overall success in life, caution should be more prominently displayed than it is today. But there are still more issues with social media. To name a few, eating and sleeping deprivation can be an effect of social media. It is proven that 30% of people with sleeping problems go on their electronics 30 to 58 times per week and those who visit their accounts before they go to sleep also experience issues falling asleep. We all know how grumpy certain people are when there is a lack of sleep, so reducing screen time before sleeping can prevent this issue. Another common health issue caused by social media is eating disorders. Those who are self-obsessed with their body image looks like will drastically change their eating habits or literally stave themselves to meet the standards of those around them. Altering you bodies eating habits can lead to sickness and eventually death. There are many health issues caused by social media that we should all be aware of, from this awareness we may find a decrease in social media and a healthier …show more content…

Using social media can raise the chance of catching a criminal most often use social media to communicate or in some cases boast about the crime they have committed. Lately, police officers have noticed how common criminals using social media. They have started searching social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others to find the missing information they need to solve the crimes. With the help of social media now and in the future, we may be able to find an even faster and more accurate way to apprehend criminals. But, we can use social media in other ways as well. For example, law enforcement. Law enforcement has drastically changed over the years. From using wanted posters and state rangers to computers and social media. With social media and all the advancement in communication it is easy to teach and enforce the laws. The authorities are now able to discuss and explain the laws to the community. This will help everyo0ne reach a better understanding of the expectations of the nation, state, and community. Hopefully, with all of the technological advancements, we can work with the government and help make America a safer place than it’s ever been. Using social media can improve accuracy and efficacy in apprehending criminals. Sometimes, people will commit a crime for the sake of attention. When this happens they will often brag about their success on the internet. This makes it

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