Healthcare Professionalism Essay

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Healthcare is an important profession that help to increase the life quality of the patients and the healthy people by treating them, providing the prevention from any dangerous disease and by increasing the awareness of the society. Therefore, health care is a profession like any profession has general and specific rules and traits should be followed. Therefore, it is important to educate the healthcare providers to adapt these traits and to promote the understanding of these traits to the receivers in order to avoid the misunderstanding of these concepts. The professionalism defined as "the qualities, skills, competence and behaviors that expected from individuals belonging to any given profession". It combines between medicine and society and it forms the basis of patient-physician trust. In addition, it attempts to make …show more content…

The attribute is a quality or characteristic of a person, place or thing. From the previous definition, we can describe the professionalism attributes as characteristics or traits of the profession. Therefore, from the previous point we can figure out that every profession has specific traits that makes it unique. In contrast to that, many traits should be stick to them in each profession. So, being a doctor that means you have to stick to the general characteristics or traits like competence, punctuality and honesty. On the other hand, there are traits, which the doctor have to sticks to them, which make him differ from other professional, or we can call it dual role of physician like compassion, which is about a sympathetic consciousness of another's distress together with a desire to alleviate it. Also, respect patient dignity and autonomy, which is about the commitment to respect and ensure subjective well-being and sense of worth in others, and recognize the patient's personal freedom of choice and right to participate fully. Moreover, it includes caring and

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