Heart Of Darkness Research Paper

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The White Heart of Darkness White is a symbolic color that is seen throughout the entire book, Heart of Darkness, written by Joseph Conrad. White, which is the color that we all see as pure and innocent, is portrayed as a lie that covers the eyes of society in this book. By describing objects, such as the accountant, and the whited sepulcher, Conrad is showing how white is a color that is seen as a giant lie. Lies center around the book, sometimes lies can theoretically block a person from what needs to be done, the fog is similar in the sense that fog can physically block someone from what needs to be done. In a sense fog and the color white are huge portions of the literature make-up of Heart of Darkness. The accountant is portrayed as clean and perfect with “high starched collar, white cuffs, a light alpaca jacket, snowy trousers, a clean necktie, and varnished boots,” Conrad was portraying the account as pristine.(1.26 Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness) The average accountant makes over seventy thousand dollars a year, knowing this Conrad is displaying the accountant in this manner because Conrad is arguing that the …show more content…

Disease, death, and unhappiness, again where white is seen as pure and clean, the whited sepulcher is a place of death and disease. Death and disease is not pure, while it may happen in life it is not pure. The fog relates to the Whited Sepulcher in the way that the whited sepulcher is death, the fog causes death, because of how it sets in to physically blind the person, perhaps to their death. “I arrived in a city that always makes me think of a whited sepulcher”( Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, 1. Paragraph 20), Conrad Describes the city as a whited sepulcher, which seems rather odd, however Conrad is pointing out the fact that society carries on as though it were a disease. Certain things of culture will spread, but it is constantly changing. The only way to fix society is to contain it in a case to

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