Fastest Aging Population

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Top 10 Countries with the heartiest aging population
Growing old and being healthy is very vital to any country. Growing old in most country is more healthy than others. Growth in technology has greatly increased in recent years due to advancement in technology and this has improved health care system around the world. Due to increase in life expectancy, recent data shows that the number of people approximately 60 years and above is 901 million and it is expected to increased to 2.1 billion by 2050. World ranking on best countries to survive can be measured using various ranking metrics such as older adults health status, Good enabling environment in relation to good public transportation, civic freedom, physical safety etc, income security and capability which is measured with …show more content…

This is as a result of good amenities and attention paid to the elderly or aging in the country. Some area Sweden ranks well in respect to development indices includes it 's high standard of living culture which ticks down to more healthy aging population. Other great indexes where Sweden scores high also includes the area of per capital income which is high in relationship to other European countries, Good and excellent healthcare sector that pays apt attention to elderly. Also, the country boast of general prosperity among the citizens which tend to reduce the high rate of dependence.
Furthermore, the Sweden in comparison to regional averages ranked high in employment opportunities for people and for aging people. The educational system of Sweden also favors the age in attaining literacy. Other places or factor that makes Sweden a good country for the elderly to age health and sound is in the area of good public transportation, high indexes in safety and civic freedom and liberties. This shows a satisfied age strata and also an above average in all measuring indicator.