
Heather Props Character Analysis

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In the film Heathers social behavior, props and lighting influences our attention to the film and shapes our feelings about the characters. Teenagers in Westerburg High School where social cliques are exhibited makeup the distinction amongst its students. For example, Heather “one” is the queen bee and she “rules” the school. Her character is revealed when she tells Veronica to write a horny note that is placed on Martha “Dumptruck” Dunnstock’s tray. She is then ridiculed when she walks up to the jock who supposedly wrote the note to her by his hysterical laughter when reading “his” note. This shapes our feelings about her thinking of her as an outrageous character, however she is not the only one with a “dark” character. Jason Dean is perceived as the mysterious new kid and only later in the film do we find out that black coat, black hair and smirks boy is more dangerous than we thought. Jason’s persona is distinguished as dangerous when he pulls out a gun in school and …show more content…

As well as, two jocks being stereotyped by mineral water which was a symbol of sexual preference in the movie in the State of Ohio during the 1980s. The scene when Veronica and Jason were at his house and his dad shows them on television how he demolished a building gives Jason the idea of wrecking the school as well. Next time we see Jason he is blackmailing Heather Duke to make people sign a petition that was unknowingly a suicide pact.The diary used by Veronica illustrates her frustration towards Heather’s way of treating people and her fluctuating emotions throughout the film. Heather’s red hair tie depicts her queen bee status, which when she dies Heather Duke takes possession of. However when Chandler dies Heather Duke at the end of the film is seen with the red hair tie as well but Veronica takes it away and put its on her hair, taking over the queen bee

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