Hektor's Glory In Oedipus The King

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Hektors glory is being compared to his fate in the simile from(22.365-367). Homer compares Hektors fighting ability to “[swooping] like a soaring eagle”: he is graceful, strong and swift. Hektor fights for Troy, his people and his family, even standing up to Achilles knowing that he will die. The heroic code is more important to Hektor than his own life. In Homers epic simile he compares Hektors passion for glory to the qualities of an eagle.
An eagle protects his young similar to the way Hektor protects the city of Troy. An eagle would soar to any length to protect his young. He would attack anything even if it meant his death. An Eagle brings his prey back to his nest while a warrior brings back his geras to his people to prove he was victorious. Achilles is portrayed a “hare” because he has sat back and so far has brought no geras to anyone. The simile used by Homer represents Hektor’s heroic actions based on his fate. Hektor knows he has been abandoned by the gods but he stays to fight because he “would rather die than to fail in his task.” He fights, remembering from the heroic code that “the things that heroes desired from battle were honour, glory, fame and reputation” as …show more content…

Despite the disapproval from his wife, Hektor believes that he must “stand up bravely, always to fight……., winning [his] father great glory, glory for [himself].” He must prove his devotion to the heroic code. Homer compares Hektor to that of an eagle to show how much confidence he has in his own skills and how much passion he was for glory. Homers simile helps to portray a vivid image of not just his swift fighting style but also his greatness. Achilles is portrayed as “trembling hare” to boost Hektors heroic image even more. Achilles does finally step up to fight but not for the reason an eagle would defend its nest. Only for a single friend who was lost not for the hundreds lost. Achilles is only a hare trying to escape