
Hel A Non-Profit Analysis

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In systems, such as the one in place in America, health care is often driven by more the want of money and profit then helping other people. This system on paper could seem to be heartless and selfish, but in reality a health care system driven by profit is more humane than any other. This may seem odd, being the main focus of health no longer on the well being of the person but instead their money, although despite the original issues with it it is now the best choice. Good doctors love to help people, but you will be hard pressed to find a doctor who works for free. As a patient what you want is the best service possible for as cheap as possible as quick as possible, in a non-profit driven health care system you might get the treatment …show more content…

Most people don’t seem to care let alone think of what the doctors do with them afterwards, but after Henrietta lacks it must be addressed. Henrietta lacks also known as HeLa is the woman behind the cells used to help remedy or completely cure a plethora of infirmities such as Polio, Parkinson’s, influenza, as well as cancer. Lack’s story and the story of the cells themselves is told in Rebecca skloot's book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Skloot explains that “no one had told Henrietta that TeLinde was collecting a sample or asked if she wanted to be a donor—TeLinde picked up a sharp knife and shaved two dime-sized pieces of tissue from Henrietta's cervix: one from her tumor, and one from the healthy cervical tissue nearby. Then he placed the samples in a glass dish” (33). This is one moment that helps illustrate a portion of Henrietta's case. She had no idea that her doctors, Gey and TeLinde, wanted a sample let alone why they wanted it. Albeit, they were her doctors and she came in to have her cervix checked what they did with the cells was completely unethical. Gey and TeLinde allowed her cells to duplicate into sellable quantities, then ultimately did exactly that: sold them. Because of Lack’s cells it makes you wonder, are your cells actually yours, those …show more content…

This officially has been decided in a court dispute between John L. Moore and UCLA medical center. Mr. Moore had UCLA remove his spleen that had caused the development of hairy cell leukemia. The doctor at UCLA, David Golde, according to the New York Times obituary “John Moore, 56” discovered that “it contained unique blood cells that produced a type of protein that stimulates the growth of white blood cells, which can help fight infection” (McLellan 1). Soon after, Golde patented those cells as “Mo cells.” Upon learning of this patent, Moore sued for part of the projected profit of his cells, but in the end he lost and received nothing. This is a tragic but expected consequence of a profit driven health care system, that people will make money off you and sometimes it will be a lot. In this conversation, David Kron

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