Henry Clay Frick: Robber Baron

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Henry Clay Frick more than likely considered a robber baron by today's standards to most. He is mostly looked at as a bad man for the things he done. Such as being the cause of the homestead riot, where 10 people here killed while 50 were injured as well. After calling in Strike Busters as well as Pinkerton agents to bring an end to all the chaos. I personally view him in different ways; though directly I would consider him a robber baron due to his refusal to pay workers more and how he took away their homes and stuff, all that stuff being entirely unnecessary cruelty which is why I consider him to be a robber baron; however he also had another side to him in which people often don't take into consideration. He donated nearly 42 thousand dollars …show more content…

Though his grandfather was very wealthy he was Henry's role model that Henry worked for when he was young admiring his grandfather's wealth and the ways he ran his business. So in reality Henry didn't really do anything wrong he watched his grandfather and later on continued to run his business the same way just trying to make money for himself. This is another reason people believe him to have been a robber baron because he didn't really care about others issues but instead just looked out for himself. But is that really such a bad thing? In my eyes I don't personally believe it to be such a crime to worry about yourself rather than others. But others do not feel this way which is why they look at him as such a bad person; but truly his workers could have went to find other jobs when he began to cut their pay because obviously he was able to hire new employees after he fired the others therefore the conditions must not of been as bad as peoples accounts say they were. At the end of the day Frick was just trying to make money for himself which is entirely understandable and though he may be considered a “robber baron” truly that isn't the worst thing he could've been a thief or something worse of that nature in order to obtain his fortunes but he didnt there for I personally believe he deserved a bit more credit and a little less harshness when adding the term “robber baron” to his name unknowingly of all the good he did in his life for our society such as refining better steel in order for us to establish the railroads as well as just advance our society to where we could build better

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