Henry David Thoreau Research Paper

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Henry David Thoreau was an American essayist, poet, and philosopher, praised for his originality and simplicity in his work. Today, Thoreau’s influence lives on for generation after generation of young innovators and mavericks. He sought an absolutely individual stance toward everything, looking for the truth in himself rather than in societal conventions. His ideologies are applicable today just as they were in 1854.

Thoreau is most well-known for his book Walden, a reflection upon living simply in the beauty of untouched nature. By immersing himself in the forest, he was able to gain an equitable understanding of society through self-examination. Simple living and self-sufficiency were his ultimate goals.

Throughout his journey, Thoreau achieves a complete education of mind, body, and spirit which is similarly accomplished through Paideia at Reed. The first time I read Walden, I was elevated by the words that so perfectly outline human nature. I feel Walden is a work that everyone should read, understand, and embody. Because of this, “How to Live in the Forest like Henry David Thoreau” would be what I would teach to the Reed community, a Paideia course that students at Reed would thoreau-ly enjoy. …show more content…

Thoreau encourages the reader to be “forever on the alert” and see the importance of “the essential facts of life.” This refers to both material necessities as well as the core of human existence, blissfully combining practicality with