Henry Fonda's Arguments Against Abortion

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Abortion is killing a fetus, a fetus is a person, all person has a right to life, killing someone with a right to life is always wrong. In Thompsons article, she portrays that this statement isn’t always true by making arguments in certain situations that abortion is okay.
However, many might disagree with her arguments about abortion but, to which I see to be perfectly thought-out and, explained.

A person is not morally bounded to do something for someone else such as to save their life. This is what Thompson suggest when she gives the argument about Henry Fonda’s hand. She sates that you are dying and the only thing that can save you is the touch of Henry Fonda’s who lives on the west coast. While it would be nice for her to fly to over to save you she doesn’t have the obligation to do so. Nor you don’t have the right for her to do this such as Thompson ties mother has no right to carry her child. She connects this by saying if the mother life is at risk by carrying out the pregnancy out she has the …show more content…

Let’s consider the morality side that it is wrong for a mother to kill her child. But, wouldn’t it also be wrong for a child to kill his own mother even though he or she doesn’t have clue that it is happening. A child is holding a gun to his mother having no knowledge that if he pulls the trigger it would cause her to die. On the other hand, his mom feels threaten but, he laughs at it such like it was a fun game. Will you suggest that the mother not act upon or even try to save her life put to leave him alone even though he could potentially end her life. Now I believe you wouldn’t such as in the case of the child of not having a clue to what threat he is putting on the mother. The mother wouldn’t just wait for her child to kill her but, act upon it because she herself has the right to life especially if it is being