
Henry Ford Research Paper

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Henry Ford may not have invented the first automobile, but did invent the incredible idea of the simplistic assembly line. This invention is when the parts of the car move along a line so that not just a single car was being made at a time by not just one singular crew who did all the work but individuals. It caused many more vehicles to be done faster and better. This gained many great feats in the economy, but also the history of industries in America. Henry Ford didn't like the idea of war and the fact America had joined the war, but still helped produce military supplies and vehicles. During the war his assembly line greatly helped out, but to what extent?
It was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that inspired Ford, even though he opposed …show more content…

The process of interchangeable parts on the line was to make it easier for creating of the cars, making it faster. This caused many artisans to think of it as a dulling of the artwork they were “sculpting”. Sociological work has explored the social alienation and boredom that many workers feel because of the repetition of doing the same specialized task all day long. Because workers have to stand in the same place for hours and repeat the same motion hundreds of times per day, repetitive stress injuries are a possible pathology of occupational safety. Industrial noise also proved dangerous. When it was not too high workers were often prohibited from talking. Charles Piaget, a skilled worker at the LIP factory, recalled that beside being prohibited from speaking, the semi-skilled workers had only 25 meters in which to move. Industrial ergonomics later tried to minimize physical trauma. The downside from another car company’s point of view on the interchangeable parts is that they don’t fit their cars. The mass production of the unique Ford parts made it difficult to replace parts on another brand or model of car. After creating many jobs during the war, soon after the economy crashed and the Great Depression happened. This greatly impacted Michigan due to the automobile factories were the bases for their

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