Henry James: Foreigner Or Bystander?

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Henry James was born on April 15, 1843 in New York City. James traveled to Europe multiple times until he decided to establish a home there in 1875. When James was 34 years-old, he traveled to London with the desire to be unified in English life rather than to continue being a foreigner and bystander. He at first lived in Paris, but he thought his work would flourish more in London. He kept his American citizenship until 1915, but he decided to become a native citizen of England when World War I broke out because of his objection towards America’s failure to fight in the war against Germany. As a result, James abandoned his native land and became a lover of Europe, but he was aware of the weaknesses and flaws in English “high” society. He believed …show more content…

Winterbourne was the one most irritated by Giovanelli because he believed he was an imitation, and a low-life foreigner. The American Expatriates disapproved of the Italian suitor because they were uncertain of his background; they were ignorant on whether he was wealthy or not. Though along with that, she was accompanied to places by him alone. When she had gone to the Colosseum late at night with Giovanelli, it was Winterbourne’s last stance. According to Kar, “after the encounter in the Colosseum, his mind was made up” (Kar 37). Winterbourne was in disbelief of the Italian suitor’s indiscretion of taking Ms. Miller to the Roman Colosseum with the Roman Fever roaming about. The Roman Fever was known as malaria which was widespread in the early nineteenth century. The mosquitoes that spread the infection were most active after dark. Daisy’s mother was worried about her young daughter going about at night because that’s when the disease was at its highest, but Daisy went against her worried mother and did what she desired. Winterbourne wondered why a native Roman would deliberately offer to take Daisy to the Colosseum with the fever traveling amongst the atmosphere, but Giovanelli’s excuse was that Daisy wanted to see the “Colosseum by moonlight” (James 55). Winterbourne was fed up with Daisy’s impulsive actions, and no longer weighed the thought of her