Henry V Just Of War Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s play Henry V, Shakespeare asserts that the just of war is on the side of people who win the war, and common people care more about their own life rather than the achievement of justice. But a good leader should give his men confidence and let them fight with honor in order to win a war. He communicates his idea by describing Henry V as an excellent leader and mature man who embarks on a successful conquest of France. Firstly. Shakespeare believes that just of war always stands on the side that people who win the battle, because whether the war is just depend on the point of view where people stand. In Shakespeare’s book, he gives us two attitude of the war. Henry thinks “Methinks I could not die anywhere so contented as in King’s company, his cause being just and his quarrel honorable.” (4. 1. 128-130) Henry thinks he has right to claim the throne of France, it is right to wage the war on France. But on the French side, French King thinks “And he is bred out of that bloody …show more content…

Shakespeare states this by describing different people’s motive of go to the war. Pistol, a thief in England, “hath a killing tongue and a quiet sword” (3. 2, 34). He steals wealth in France rather than fight, he says “unless thou give me crowns, brave crowns; Or mangled shalt thou be by this my sword.”(4. 4. 39-40) and threat a French soldier to extort money. He even doesn’t know why Henry wages the war in France; simply fight with Henry in the war. When Henry talks about the justness of the war, Williams, Bates, two of ordinary people in England, both say, “That’s more than we know.” (4. 1. 131) and “more than we should seek after; for we know enough if we know we are King’s subjects.” (4. 1. 132-133) They all don’t know and don’t care about why Henry wages the war, just follow the king and pay more attention on their own life, such as money and

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