Henry Ward Beecher: An Analysis

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Lyman Beecher Stowe, in "Saints, Sinners, and Beechers," tells of one occasion when Thomas K. Beecher substituted for his famous brother, Henry Ward Beecher, at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. Many curiosity seekers came to see and hear Henry Ward Beecher. Upon Thomas K. Beecher 's appearance in the pulpit, the sightseers started for the doors. Thomas K. raised his hand for attention, and made this announcement: "All those who came here this morning to worship Henry Ward Beecher may now withdraw from the church; all who came to worship God may remain."

In this blog post, we want to examine what are Millennials seeking in the area of spirituality. I am avoiding the term worship because first it is a loaded word these days and Millennials are finding ways to grow in their faith outside of the Sunday Morning worship experience. There is a paradigm shift among Millennials, they have very little interest in the worship wars Baby Boomers have waged for decades. For Millennials, their focus has centered on new areas of importance in their spiritual formation. Thom Rainer, who researches church life and effectiveness of an organization called LifeWay, recently commented in a blog post, "What Worship Style Attracts the Millennials," on what three things matter most to …show more content…

They are highly skeptical of religion. Yet they are still thirsty for transcendence. But when we portray God as a cosmic buddy, we lose them (they have enough friends). When we tell them that God will give them a better marriage and family, it’s white noise (they’re delaying marriage and kids or forgoing them altogether). When we tell them they’re special, we’re merely echoing what educators, coaches, and parents have told them their whole lives. But when we present a ravishing vision of a loving and holy God, it just might get their attention and capture their hearts as well” (from the blog post “Millennials Don’t Need a Hipper Pastor, They Need a Bigger