Hephaestus My Version Of The Myth Of Orion

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My favorite constellation is Orion. I admire the constellation's unique formation and its three bright stars that resembled Orion's Belt. Furthermore, the constellation Orion is very useful in locating other stars in space. There are several myths about Orion. One of the most common literation of Orion is that was the son of Poseidon and Euryale. Orion was give the power of walking on water by his father, Poseidon. While Orion was on the island of Chios, he tried to flirt Merope, daughter of King Oenopion. Orion was then punished by Oenopion because he attacked Merope when Orion consumed too much wine. Orion's eyes were pulled out and was banished from the island. Orion then traveled North of the island of Lemnos to find Hephaestus. Hephaestus …show more content…

He wished to have the skills of Artemis but he could only admire her skills and dream that he is skilled. During on of his attempted hunting on the island of Crete, he discovered a magical bow. He discovered that the bow is infused with powerful magic that can enhance the user's eye coordination, reaction, timing and senses while hunting. The bow is unusually light and its durability is astounding. Slowly, he was able to hunt down any animal he wanted in the world. He went on happily hunting with his newly found bow but he was slowly becoming insane. He seek help from Hephaestus when he realized that his bow is driving him insane. Hephaestus knew the cursed bow instantly when Orion presented the bow to him. Hephaestus then told him to go East and find the Gaia so that she can destroy the bow and heal Orion. While halfway on his travels, Orion discovered that Athens is under attack by Satyrs and beasts alike. He could assist the people there but his mind is dwindling. He had not much time, but still he wanted to help them. So he went to Athens, to the West and aid the soldiers there. He fought bravely and with excellent skill due to his bow that helps him to aim and kill easily. The people of Athens thank him, but Orion knew that he is going to be insane. If he went on travelling to the East, the distance is too great and he will be insane. So he departed to the nearby

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