Herbalism Through The Centuries Essay

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Herbalism Through The Centuries
There is archaeological evidence of herbal usage from the Palaeolithic period Plant samples gathered from prehistoric burial sites seem to confirm this.
The first record found was a written record of medical plants found on clay tablets over 5000 years ago by the Sumerianns.
In ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egyptians listed over 850 herbal medicine this was known as the Ebers Paprus.
China was another county that is well-known for their early uses of medicinal herbs and plants.
Hippocrates the famous Greek physician used much herbal medicine one of his best known is willow bark which is now mechanically made and called aspirin. Doctors today still take the Hippocratic Oath.
In the middle ages the Benedictine …show more content…

They gather what was local to them, other tribes did the same so different mixes were the norm. Occasionally they would go a great distance to trade medicines. The mixture of herbs was passed done orally, to medicine men and medicine women usually born of the same family. They were also called Shamans, beside the herbs the Shaman often used mask’s and dance around the patient beating drums or shaking rattles to frighten away the demons. A Sharman was greatly respected and was paid in gifts. The Sharman also used tools in their craft, and kept them in cloth or hide, the tools of their trade was divided into several bundles, some for festivals some personal use, the bundles were all scared. One of the most famous tools was the medicine pipe, it was believed that it represented the ebb and flow of life, and the exhaled smoke carried their prayers to the Great Spirit. But, remedies were not the only part of the Native American healing process. At the start of the 19th century a physician named Constantine Samual Rafineque studied medicinal plants and lived amongst the Native American, he devised the team Eclectics from the Greek word Eklego meaning to treat whatever was found to be beneficial to the patients. In the 19th century