Herbert Hoover Research Paper

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Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover was born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa. He graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor's degree in Geology. Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States of America. Much of his success came from being a mining engineer and his world gratitude known as “ The Great Humanitarian.” In 1929 the U.S. economy was at its lowest point in history when the Great Depression hit. Herbert Hoover changed it with his corporation which was named The Emergency Relief Act. The relief act mainly focused on the economy's grave situation. Herbert Hoover was the second of three children, the Hoover's were Quakers, whose ancestors immigrated from Switzerland to America in the 1730s and 1740s. Unfortunately, …show more content…

Food Administration until 1918. A couple years later he would assume the position of our country's 3rd United States Secretary of Commerce, from March 5, 1921- August 21, 1928. In 1928 Hoover decided to run for President. He quickly gained people's attention, once they heard his platform and ideas to help the economy. His platform was mostly on the issue of prohibition. He worked to enforce prohibition, because it was his job to do so under the constitution. Seven of the eleven members of the commission favored a recession. In June 1929, three months after his inauguration, he signed a bill that was going to increase aid for American farmers, who had little government aid. On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed and it was at its lowest point in U.S. history. Many businesses were shutting down and many people were left without work. Herbert Hoover's answer to the Depression was to convince individual state governments to create jobs. He asked them to create government jobs by building roads and dams. He also reached out to all communities to help the poor, and help fight poverty. In late 1929 he called a meeting of business leaders and urged them to not cut or lay off people. Unfortunately, The Great Depression worsened, and by 1932 the unemployment rate was at an all time high of 25%. Everything Hoover had stood by, had turned against him. Within every large city, the …show more content…

Roosevelt. Herbert Hoover's last day in office was on March 4, 1933, Hoover said “ We are at the end of our strength. There is nothing more we can do.” ( page 19) . Hoover returned home to Palo Alto, California, and for the next two years he remained publicly silent. However, soon after he did not hold back his negative feelings towards Roosevelt, and often publicly bashed him. For obvious reasons, the tension build up between the two, would not allow Hoover to continue to serve the public, while Roosevelt held office. It was not until after Roosevelt's death in 1947, that president Truman selected Hoover as the head of commission to recommend reorganization of federal departments. Hoover was sincerely thankful to be back in public service. During the 1950's, Hoover continued to work as an aid to the president and his successors as a senior consultant and adviser. His reputation was once again positive amongst citizens, and he was publicly recognized for his efforts during the country's difficult time while he held

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