94% of teens were reported by the Pew Research Center to go on a mobile device daily. On average that is 9 hours a day, wasted looking down at a little screen. Their bodies see the effects too. Huffington Post wrote, “There Hunched Over, and Their Necks and Upper Backs are Sore.” Technology is also taking lives by creating more ways and devices to cyber bully. A whopping 43% of teens last year were cyberbullied. In addition, technology has decreased teens personal privacy. 71% of teens have signed their rights away to social media, allowing companies like Facebook to take over millions of lives. The harms of technology definitely outweigh the benefits of technology. In the article, “Here is What a Constantly Plugged in Life is Doing to Kids …show more content…
They influence the people who can go on the internet. If someone wants to go on the internet wouldn’t they want to go on social media and do what they want? Cyber bullies are putting an end to freedom on the internet. Teens shouldn’t have a fear to go online, but some do. They go on to escape the world, not be trapped on by these irrelevant people. The rising number of teen suicide cases due to cyber bullying has increased since 2010. It is also the #3 teen killer in the United States. 4,400 teens commit suicide each year from cyber bullies. Like Ryan Halligan, who hung himself due to peers thinking he was gay. His father says “that technology was being utilized as weapons far more effective and reaching [than] the simple ones we had as kids,” (The Ryan Halligan Case). Death and technology should not relate. Technology should be a thing improving lives and saving lives not destroying …show more content…
Teens health, lives, and personal privacy is more important and has more value than social media and technology. Technology has influenced teens since they were young. Teens are entitled to technology because they have it all around them all the time. They think nothing of it while some teens are living in poverty and have never heard of an iPhone. We need to utilize the power of technology. Start using it to save more lives than take some. We can also start preventing cyberbullying by closely monitoring social media and network. Decreasing the time we are on these devices and technology could improve teens lives, physically and mentally. Being more aware of what we are doing and posting on the internet can increase our privacy. The few ways technology is benefiting us, unfortunately, does not make up for the lives lost in the world wide web. Therefore, the harms of technology outweigh the benefits of