Hermaphrodites Research Paper

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C. elegans cross breeding with mutated hermaphrodites
Caenorhabditis elegans are androdioecious species consisting of males and self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Males in nature are typically rare, although if given the chance they will successfully mate with hermaphrodites (Murray 2011). These organisms are often used as model organisms due to its simple anatomy along with easily identified characteristics. . It has a short lifespan, therefore analyzing the life span of several generations can be carried out in a short period of time and provide a better understanding of biological processes, such as gene regulation and sex determination(Padilla 2014). The purpose of this experiment is to determine the pattern of …show more content…

The literature states c.elegans were discovered in 1963 as a beneficial research to study genetics/biology. The worms were introduced into research by Sydney Brenner in 1963 (Wisconsin-Madison., n.d.). C. elegans have been used a key tool to observe phenotypes and genotypes. C.elegans are perfect to experiment on because they have a short life cycle and produce 300-350 offspring at a time (Wisconsin-Madison., n.d.). Having a short life cycle means researchers can understand and observe the nature a genetic diversity. Also, c.elegans can be observed how genetic mutations is sex-linked or autosomal. The worms are a time efficient way to look at multiple generations and the phenotypic behavior. The gender of c.elegans is only males and hermaphrodites (Wisconsin-Madison., n.d.).Caenorhabditis elegans was one of the first multicellular eukaryotes with a completely known genomic sequence (Fraser et. al. 2000). The adult C.elegans hermaphrodite is anatomically simple with only 959 somatic cells and contains many tissue types like neurons, muscles, intestine, and epidermis (Tsang

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