Hero And (In) Vulnerabilities (Ilmu Kebal)

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Hero and (In)vulnerabilities (Ilmu Kebal) Having extraordinary power and invincibility power is one of the qualities that is needed for someone to be called a hero villain in every mithology. Besides as a mean to carry out his mission or duty as a hero/villain, this super power also define and differentiate him from other side character of the mythology. Sometimes, the power itself is more famous rather that the hero/villain itself. There are lot of kind of super power in mythology such as super human strenght (Hercules), ability to fly (Hermes), super weapon (Thor) and shapeshifting (Loki). From any of those power above, there is ane more power which is very special, Invincibility against weapon (Ilmu Kebal). Invincibility against weapon granted it’s user unimpregnable defense against any kinds of attack especially weapon. The user will be shielded from any incoming attack and undefeteable in battle. Lots of great figures in mythology have this kind of power. Archilles from greek mythology and Duryodhana from Hindu mythology are two exampes. From indonesia, we have Haryo Suman (Shangkuni) and Gatotkacha from Mahabharat (Javanese Version). Despite having an extraordinary power and invincibility against weapon, those figures still can be defeated in battle. They are not immortal and could die. What i want to …show more content…

In Doryudhana and Shangkuni case, the reason why those two figure culd still be defeated is because the theory of good over evil. So no matter how strong evil are, justice stiill win. In every myhtological story no matter how strong the villain are, the heroes are always able to find a way to defeat them. One way or another. It also support an idea that there is a God or somone that is watching over us and assure that evil and crime will not leave without punisment. In Duryodhana and Shangkuni case, the incarnation of God (Krisna) himself who taught the hero how to defet those villains. He himself assured that justice is

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