Herodotus The Victors Of War Essay

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Throughout history, the victors of war tend to be the people that provide the stories of war. There are multiple accounts of the Persian wars, but the most famous account of the war is contained in The Histories by Herodotus. Herodotus is known to have travelled throughout the ancient world in order to obtain the information he needed for his books. However, since Herodotus is Greek, it is safely assumed that a majority of the information collected is from the views of fellow Greeks. It is known, that for certain accounts, Herodotus is wrong in his analysis of different cultures. Herodotus is known to have witnessed certain aspects of cultures and when analyzing his experiences, he completely misunderstands what he saw. Therefore, the words …show more content…

The Persians make many mistakes that, in the end, cost them the war. While it is known, that everything Herodotus relays in his book series, The Histories, is not always accurate, his words can still be extremely reliable for understanding the ancient world. Unfortunately, while Herodotus does not mislead the happenings of the Persian War, many of his accounts are pro-Athenian and tend to exaggerate the aptitude of the Athenian military and commanders. In, The Histories, at times, the Persians are conveyed to have decided on an action that with further inspection clearly aids to their defeat. The Persians are seen to have a greed for land and glory that is tremendously excessive. Their excessiveness not only pushes them to war, but their constant conquering of other people, leads to numerous revolts within their empire. With all the matters the Persians were attempting to handle at one time, it seems almost impossible for them to defeat the Greeks, despite their ability. The Greeks used everything to their advantage and to them it gives the appearance of success on their part, while inner conflicts in the Persian Empire was what truly lead to their

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