Hero's Journey In Star Wars: A New Hope

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A Hero’s Journey is a Monomyth that was created by Joseph Cambell. This is a cycle that was made to show how the cycle goes when there is a hero in a story. The cycle can be applied to basically any journey or hero story. The Hero’s Journey plays a role in the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, the phases that is follows is call to adventure, supernatural aid, meeting the goddess, atonement with the father, and the ultimate boom. The first phase, call to adventure, is where the hero receives information to head off into the unknown. In Star Wars this is where Luke’s uncle, Owen, buys two droids from the sand people. When looking over the droids one of them, R2D2, shows a message from Princess Leia. The message does not fully show, but it does say “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi”. R2D2 …show more content…

The goal at the beginning of the movie was to go to the Rebel base with the information that Princess Leia gave to R2D2. This goal was met after they had escaped the Death Star and reached the base. Then another problem arose, the Death Star had tracked and followed them creating another problem from the rebel base. With the information in R2D2 they were able to find a way to destroy the Death Star. This is when the ultimate boon occurs, when Luke shoots the missile into the hole to destroy the aircraft. He hits it perfectly with the help from the Force and the mission is a success. Star Wars follows the steps of call to adventure, supernatural aid, meeting the goddess, atonement with the father, and the ultimate boom from The Hero’s Journey. The steps I have mentioned though are not the only ones that it follows though. Star Wars actually follows the whole Hero’s Journey the steps are a little out of order at some places but other than that is is about the same. There are many stories that follow this and it is very interesting to look at movies in this sequence, because you start to realize all of