
Hester Prynne's Dominating Presence In The Scarlet Letter

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dominating presence in Hester Prynne’s society as well. Faith was so dominant in Prynne’s society that they were going to move across the globe to escape and seek refuge from sin. In Puritanical society, sin was awful and stayed with you for your entire life. Faith dominated everything and dominated specifically over Hester and Reverend Dimmesdale. “It had been determined between them, that the Old World, with it’s crowds and cities, offered a more eligible shelter and concealment than the wilds of New England” (Scarlet Letter 137). Since faith and Puritanical values were so important in their society the only way to escape sin was to flee to the Old World. Due to sin Hester and Dimmesdale wanted to change their lives by escaping Puritanical
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