
Hidden Girl Analysis

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Hidden Girl by Shyima Hall (with Lisa Wysocky) tells the story of Shyima El-Sayed Hassan, who was sold into slavery when she was eight years old; however, she learns how to use her experience for good, and spreads the awareness of how slavery is still a huge problem today.
Shyima was born on September 29,1989 in a small town near Alexandria, Egypt. She was the seventh of eleven children, causing her family to live in poverty. In Egypt, not going to school, being poor, cheating on your wife, and selling your children were seen as normal, as okay. After her sister Zahra was accused of stealing money from the family she worked for, Shyima was sent in her place.During her time in slavery, Shyima was mistreated. When she was moved to the U.S. on August 3, 2000, she was treated worse because she was the only worker they’d brought with them. Shyima was constantly both verbally and physically abused. “The Mom was a master at making many of the people around her feel like dirt”(72). She would yell derogatory words, like “You’re nothing, nobody”(73), and that she was a “stupid girl”(26). Working day and night, she slaved away to every need or want that “The Mom” or “The Dad” sent her way. This continued until the morning of April 9, 2002, when Shyima was rescued at the age of 12, 6 months away from turning 13. It took time for her to trust the police and men in general, but eventually with the help of patience and understanding people like Mark, she began to …show more content…

For one, she’s devoted her whole life to ending “the terrible custom of slavery” (230).“I hope to spend the rest of my life helping others find their way out of slavery. I’ve come this far, and I know I will get to the finish line” (214). Ever since she got away from her captives she’s wanted to help people, and these quotes prove it. “This was a chance for me to use my terrible experience for good. I definitely wanted to help in any way that I

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