Hidden Sin In The Scarlet Letter

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Hidden vs Expressed Sin
Destroyed from the outside in or suffering for years on end; neither represents a favorable consequence, but one can lead to a rebirth. Consequences of sin can vary, because hidden sin and exposed sin express themselves in different ways. Hidden sin can eat away at a person, while expressed sin rehabilitates a lost soul. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, two main characters, Dimmesdale and Hester, demonstrate their own dealings with sin. The two had committed adultery, but only Hester’s sin revealed itself to the community. Outcasted from the community, Hester embraced her sin. In contrast, Dimmesdale, ironically, maintained the position of the minister in the town. Unable to absolve his own mistakes, Dimmesdale suffered through his secrecy. Moral consequences of hidden sin, exhibited when one's inner self becomes nothing but self-hate, is only redeemed with the truth. Dimmesdale received extensive internal punishment for his concealed sin, yet remained unforgiven, whereas Hester trivialized her sin and reinstated herself as an active member of society.
Morally, Dimmesdale suffered on the inside. …show more content…

In order to redeemed a sin, a person must confess the crime and deal with the consequences. The community knew about Hester's crime, and slowly forgave her. On the other hand, Dimmesdale told no one and, consequently, the sin possessed his life. Dimmesdale suffered extreme anguish as his sin stayed with him, and wished his sin revealed itself along with Hester’s. Hawthorne's purpose in keeping Dimmesdale's sin hidden included that one must admit the crime before forgiveness can be given, or they must deal with a worse enemy: themselves. Although suffering for years with a confessed sin may seem harsh, it allows a sin to be redeemed, whereas a concealed sin leads to a life full of endless