Hierarchy Of Blooms Taxonomy

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Introduction: This essay deals with the following topics in terms of their significance towards students undertaking a programme of study in higher education. The essay is divided into three main sections and will first consider the hierarchy of Bloom’s taxonomy, and the contrasting domains of learning. Next, it will then go on to describe Plagiarism, why it is done and what can be done to avert it. The final part of the essay will explain fully how the Harvard referencing system operates using examples. Bloom’s taxonomy: Anyone studying a programme in higher education will most certainly be exposed to the hierarchy of Bloom’s taxonomy in order to gain their qualification. Bloom’s taxonomy is a categorising system used to differentiate and …show more content…

The most common aspect of Plagiarism is taking words and ideas of somebody else's without their consent and using it as if it is your own piece of work. Another component of Plagiarism is using someone else's work without crediting where the information was attained from. In addition, if quotation marks aren't used around a quote this is also accredit as Plagiarism. Another common factor of this crime is remodelling sentences and words from a piece of information without giving credit correctly. Plagiarism is referred to as being literary theft and an undoubtedly, an act of …show more content…

The simplest way to avoid plagiarism is to provide exemplification's of genuine citation, which is crediting other peoples work in writing. This also helps because if questions arise on the piece of work produced, it is possible to refer to the citation which gives a concrete case. Another straightforward way to avoid plagiarism is to ensure creating original assignments. Which means avoid copying from friends and other classmates and also fend off looking for similar pieces of work online. One effective recommendation is to space out the time spent doing the piece of work. For example, if four weeks is spent doing one piece of work gradually it’s less tempting to take the easy way out by copying someone else work - if the piece of work was decided to be completed the night before the deadline (Mellon, C. no

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