High School Diploma Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay Education is everything in our society now, you can't work at mcdonalds without a high school diploma. In current society having higher education often gets you more pay, higher educated get looked upon as more intelligent, more discerning, and to have better worth ethic. The legislature is wanting to make it law you need a high school diploma to receive one's driver's licence, I agree with this in that well educated people tend to make better choice, be less reckless, and observe their surroundings. Humans as we go through life we learn from trial and error, as children it simply learning to walk. As we grown into teenagers we learn to have filters in what we say or how we act, finally as adults we learn what to do with our kids and what not to do. One of the things we learn to go as a teenage is to also drive, most teens do not have their full mind developed; such as males having the frontal part of their brain physically shutting off to allow growth. In this frontal part of the brain it has decision making, thus I believe that one should have ,males and females, a high school diploma to receive their diplomas. It makes the person older in age and also they can be more cognitive of their choices. …show more content…

Allowing this two year add on it will allow the teens to learn to make choices. Studies show that most accidents of reckless driving is caused by teens seventeen or younger, again the frontal brain is not fully developed. Now for adults that don't have a high school diploma I believe they should have drivers ed or driving classes to know the safety of the rodes. Either age group should be educated in driving but in sistics it shows that higher educated make better choices either adult or teen. As a teen myself as I'm learning to drive making quick choice on the road is often

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