Hillary Clinton Trump Compare And Contrast Essay

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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the leading candidates for the 2016 presidential election. The election has proven that the original voting system created by America's founding fathers has evolved greatly. The two candidates, who have caused the most controversial election in American history, hold an impartial comparison of political positions and policies. In most cases, seventy year old Donald Trump affiliates with the political platform of his party, Republican, while sixty-eight year old Hillary Clinton sides with the political platform of her party, Democratic. Based on their backgrounds and platforms, the candidates offer a stark choice between two opposing visions of America.
Like most presidential candidates, Clinton and Trump obtain a college education. Clinton acquired a Juris Doctorate from Yale University and a Bachelor of Arts from Wellesley College, where as Trump attended Fordham University and holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics/ Real Estate from the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the …show more content…

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton hold polar views on many issues, one being those dealing with social policy. Their stances on gay rights, education, and abortion fall under social policy issues that the candidates view in a polar manner. On the issue of education, Trump opposes the national education guidelines, and he supports school choice. Trump has adopted a free-market approach to education. He believes in competition, so he trusts that parents choosing which schools are best fit for their children would be efficient; he believes in schools competing for the kids and charter schools and voucher programs. Unlike Trump, Clinton supports Common Core, and she is not in favor of charter schools. Her views consist of students having access to high quality education; therefore, she believes the education standards of public schools should be