Hills Like White Elephants Literary Analysis Essay

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Literary Analysis: Hills Like White Elephants
The “Hills Like White Elephants”, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a story about a couple who have a decision to make. Though it is never said anywhere throughout the story, the couple is faced with an unwanted pregnancy. The characters have a tough decision to make nd they have different opinions on what the right choice is. The metaphorical image of the train station only emphasizes the decision at hand. It is also brought to attention by the little ideas brought forth by the setting and characters’ personal analysis of the situation. The elements of the story, such as the setting, characters, and points of symbolism, reinforce the idea that the characters are at a crossroads.
The setting of the story itself portrays the theme of being at a crossroads. The story begins with an American man and a women sitting at a train station. The setting helps to emphasize that the characters are at a crossroads because the girl can either go with the man or she can go on her own. She points out the things around her like the hills and the barren valley, emphasizing the difference between their predicament; to bare the unspoken of child or not. The women is actually torn between …show more content…

Many see it to be unethical others see it as a right to their own decisions and body. In “The Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, an unusual outlook is presented. The girl may want this baby but is being pressured by the man to undergo an operation to terminate the pregnancy. The girl looks to elements around her and contemplates that the man does not know what it is like to be given a gift such as the child and then be pressured to be rid of it. The setting, characters, and symbolism of the story instate the idea that the couple is at a crossroads. The story ends without a resolution as to what decision was made. The man and the women are still at the train station with decisions to