Hinduism And Diversity Paper

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The Hindu Society of North East Florida humbly bows and offers its respect to the divinity present within a diversified group of individuals. This community expresses Hinduism as a way of life similar to most Hindu communities worldwide. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and the scholars of the community refer to it as Sanatana Dharam, which is known as “the eternal tradition,” beyond human history. Scholars of Hindu Society of North East Florida regard Hinduism as a fusion of various Indian cultures and traditions with diverse origins. Some of these diverse origins include prominent themes in Hindu beliefs such as the four Purusarthas, which aims for the human experience, specifically Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Dharma is a …show more content…

According to Jayarma, “Hinduism generally follows the diversity of creation in its methods and approaches. Through the ages Hinduism has assembled multiple methods, beliefs, and practice that often contradict each other.” Jayaram. Hinduism and Diversity. N.p.. n.d. Web 14 June 13, 2017. That is one of the main reasons why The Hindu Society of North East Florida accepts diverse beliefs and practices. A follower of Hinduism does not have to be fixated about his religious beliefs and practices and force everyone to approve them. In addition, the individual does not have to persuade others to serve his God or follow his beliefs. He is not even expected to do it because it is against the code of conduct prescribed in the scriptures. According to The Hindu Society of North East Florida, Hinduism does not insist on which path you choose or whom you worship because you are expected to arrive at them on your own according to your karmas and your spiritual state of mind. Scholars from the community state, “The soul in everyone is the same. It is pure, indestructible and devoid of qualities. It cannot be tainted or tempted. Therefore, from a divine perspective, in the totality of things it hardly maters how each soul makes its progress to the gates of the highest heaven.” Hindu Society Of North East Florida (HSNEF) HNSEF.ORG. N.p.. n.d. Web. 14 June 2017. In this community, the gods of Hinduism do not try to resolve all problems and create a perfect world upon earth. They keep everything in their bounds to guarantee regularity so that time keeps moving. The Hindu Society of North East Florida compares the relationships between Hinduism and other religions through socio-historical contexts. Hinduism is recognized in the Bahai Faith, which is one of four known religions and its scriptures in regards to predicting the coming of Bahaullah, “the glory of Gods.” According to scholars of

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