Hinduism Vs Buddhism Essay

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The purpose of my paper is to inform you what the conflicting ideas and cultural impacts Hinduism and Buddhism have on the world. Buddhism was founded in 6th century BC. Hinduism was founded in 1500 BC. HIndus believe in one supreme being. Another belief is that our lives are on an endless cy cle of recreation. Hinduism affects all aspects of life for those who follow. The religion has a large impact on culture and food. If one eats an animal, they have brought pain to the animal and will receive karma. HIndu eating habits affect their connection to “god.” Hindus believe that everyone is equal. Humans and animals are equal to them, therefore making them “not food.” Cows are a very sacred animal to hindus, and are seen as a maternal figure, or a carer for its followers or …show more content…

Nirvana is when a person achieves self worth and self appreciation, and are completely free from the cycle of rebirth and a person is liberated from karma. “Achieving nirvana requires determination, and a whole lifetime of dedication.” In order to obtain nirvana, a person needs to know the four noble truths; Dukkha: the truth of suffering, Nirodha; The truth of the cessation of suffering, Magga; The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering, Samudāya; The truth of the origin of suffering. After a person achieved nirvana, they will feel enlightened, like they’re in heaven. Nirvana makes one feel like their suffering goes away. “Hinduism recognizes four chief aims of human life, namely dharma (religious duty), artha (wealth or material possessions), kama (desires and passions) and moksha (salvation). Buddhism considers the world full of suffering and resolving it as the chief purpose of human life. “ Buddhism and Hinduism are different because Hindus believe in Brahman and Atman. Buddhists do not believe in “self” or “I.” Buddhism has no distinctions between men and women. Men are equal to women, and are not

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