Hinduism Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism. In this paper, I will discuss the major’s beliefs of both religions. Sources and methods will also be discussed. Hinduism and Buddhism is two of the most well-known and popular religions in the world. Hinduism and Buddhism is said to have come from the same religion but are known to have been wrong. Both religion have similarities but are different in many ways. Both religions originate from India. Nature plays a big part in both religion and the things around them. Both religions believe in Heaven and Hell and or higher and lower worlds. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions that dates back to 1400 to 155 B.C. Hinduism is a religion that was not founded by no prophet. …show more content…

He is also one of the gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. Vishnu is the preserver and protector of the universe. Vishnu duty as a God is to return to the earth in troubled times and restore the balance of good and evil. It’s stated that he has been reincarnated nine times and the Hindus believe that he will be reincarnated one last time close to the end of this world. Vishnu's worshippers, usually called Vaishnava, consider him the greatest god. Vishnu monotheism is called Vaishnavism. Vishnu is associated with light and especially the …show more content…

Many people debate about the birth and death of Buddha. Some believes he lived from around 563 to 483 BCE. And others believe he lived 100 years later from 448 to 368 BCE. Over 25,000 years ago, Buddhism began in India and remains an influential religion in the East. A prince named Siddhartha Gautama was sheltered by his dad it was said he was going to be a saviour or a prince. Because of the things that the prince saw he wasn’t happy and wanted to leave to seek answers to why the world was this way. “Eventually he succeeded, becoming the Buddha—the “Enlightened One.” He spent the remaining 45 years of his life teaching the dharma (the path to liberation from suffering) and establishing the sangha (a community monks”). Buddhism believes and respect the teachings of Buddha. The religion also respects the cycle of birth and the goal to end the ending of

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