Hip-Hop Music And Helfman's Hamilton: An American Musical

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Hamilton: An American Musical has taken the world by storm. The musical presents the history of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, but the story is told by using hip hop music. It would be naïve to believe that Hamilton is completely factually accurate, especially since hip hop did not even exist at the time of Hamilton and Burr. However, the “history” of Hamilton is a subject of debate. Should a historical musical be historically accurate? Is theatre the right medium to share history? Both Professor Tara Helfman and historian Nancy Isenberg have weighed in on the subject and here we will consider their perspectives on the importance of historical accuracy and the use of art to share history. The authors agree on the significance of Hamilton; …show more content…

“Hamilton is being performed as American institutions are being convulsed by a collective identity crisis over how to reconcile the realities of the past with the ideals of the present” (Helfman, 37). Helfman is right that Hamilton is important because it embodies the American Spirit. The founding fathers were Caucasian men of great status. One way that Helfman appreciates the changes made to the history is with the casting. The cast in the show is portraying mostly Caucasian characters, but nearly the entire cast are performers of color. I wholeheartedly agree that this change allows us to see the founding fathers as complex, imperfect individuals (Helfman, 38). If the Founding Fathers in the play were portrayed by Caucasian white males, I doubt the play would have the impact or power that is does possess. The cast is dynamic, inclusive, and representative of the world we live in today. Helfman also celebrates the creativity used in the musical to share some of the dark sides of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton raps about the highly public infidelity situation he finds himself in, and only moments later we see his wife burning their love letters while singing about the heartbreak she feels from his betrayal. Helfman is right that the story of the history is more importance than the accuracy. Hamilton is not 100% true, but it is 100% effective in bringing this story back to …show more content…

This is a statement that I agree with whole heartedly. The show uses music and dramatic license to tell the story of Alexander Hamilton. This is a story that allows us to find a bit of ourselves in a historical character. Hamilton, Helfman argues, is at its best when it is using music and storytelling to show just how improbable the American Experiment was (39). Theatre is able to allow us new ways to tell a story. Many people would say that a hip hop musical about the Founding Fathers is a terrible idea. I would argue that the idea is original, creative, and marketable. Being able to watch a story like this play out makes it more memorable for an audience. Seeing Hamilton’s wife burning love letters from her husband (though not factually accurate), allows us to feel the story and history. There are people that are upset that things are missing from this story, but a musical can’t be 16 hours long. There has to be compression of the life in order to keep the story moving and to allow for maximum impact. Helfman says, “Miranda’s masterwork captures in unlikely and innovative ways the electrifying synthesis that has animated American history since the Founding. To the extent that Hamilton succeeds in sending Americans back to their roots at a time when too many are quick to tear them up and cast them aside, this work of art accomplishes more than a formal work of history ever could” (39). In other words, art is a terrific