Hippocrates Beliefs

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Hippocrates was an Ancient Greek physician. He is commonly regarded as one of the most outstanding figures in medicine of all time and has been called the father of medicine. He was given this name because he introduced the naturalistic concept of disease. Hippocrates was the one who introduced that you got sick because your organs aeren't working properly, no spirits, no curses, no angry Gods have any link with that. He helped to improve patient's health and also he helped improve medical knowledge. Many of Hippocrates ideas and experimental knowledge was followed for centuries after his death. He also gave the world the Hippocratic Oath, which provided physicians of that time as well as physicians today with a code of ethics. In the period …show more content…

More people believed that the environment caused illnesses, but their religion prohibited them for accepting this concept, as it was their healing god who cured them of their illness. Hippocrates time when patients were sick, they would be carried on stretches up to a temple dedicated to their healing God, Asclepius, and pray that the illness would pass over them. They might kill the sick people because they think it's a curse or a demon. Hippocrates had to make people understand that it's not an angry God or Devil who make you sick, it’s just your environment and imbalance of health, which can be treated so he resorted to more physical methods of pain relief for the sick. He wanted everyone to believe that changes in diet, beneficial drugs, and keeping the body in balance were the key to kill disease. But the religious people didn't believed in any of this. They go to priest to cure their disease. Hippocrate was the one who separated the medical and religious treatment. Hippocrates did very careful observation with patients and with his medicine tried to cure the diseases and make the people believe him by treating them accurately. Hippocrates also believed …show more content…

This oath showed that Greek Doctors took their work seriously and that they were prepared to keep all of their work and patient's illnesses confidential. Greek Doctors would be made to say that they will carry out the oath. The oath considered on swearing that they would not give poison to anybody and keep whatever they hear or see professionally confidential. They also had to swear that they would try their hardest at all times to try and cure the sick using any treatment they could and according to their ability. Before the Hippocratic Oath was created, many doctors would give patients poison and would not keep any illness for any patient confidential. This meant that people who were sick could not keep their illness a secret and the whole village would end up knowing. Doctors used to work to make themselves rich and not work for the benefits of curing patients so Hippocrates made a large improvement in the medical industry by creating the Hippocratic Oath because Doctors then worked harder to cure the patients and more illnesses were