His Son Done Gone Poem Analysis

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Sterling A Brown One of the first known writers to infuse his poetry with black folklore .Today he is considered the dean of American Negro poets. Sterling Allen Brown was born in Washington, DC to an upper middle class African American. He earned a master’s degree from Harvard University. He focused on jazz the blues, and folklore and spiritual songs. He focuses on racial concerns in America.

Southern road

My opinion and my image of Southern road was a prisoner (African American) the chains symbolized jail and prisoners. This quote “Gal’s on Fifth Street” sounds like his daughter was selling her body on the street. “Son done Gone” stating that his son was dead “Wife’s in de ward,bebby,Babe’s not bo’n” his wife was pregnant. The white police had no sympathy and just watched him work. He had no hope of being free. The sound effect in almost stanza “HunH” symbolized breaking rocks with the hammer …show more content…

Strong men describe the struggle of African American. I believe in between the periods of segregation and the time of slavery. The theme of the poem is freedom and slavery. It focused on a particular group which was clear that it was African Americans. The quote “The young men keep coming on” refers to the torment they went through that only made them stronger. So whatever the white men were doing to the people was actually making them stronger