Historical Accuracy Of Hamilton's Play By Lin Manuel Miranda

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A musical that has become an attention-grabbing play on being able to present the American Revolution and discuss the story of history. This musical play Hamilton that was written by Lin Manuel Miranda became very popular when it came out on February 17, 2015, ticket pricing ranges from $150 to 1,000 dollars due to its popularity however this musical can be streamed for free on YouTube or pay $5.99 to rent it on Amazon Prime. The outcome of this play is meant to demonstrate the turn of historical events that took place with the musical soundtrack that was created for this musical play. However, questions have come to arise about whether or not the history of Hamilton’s play is accurate or did Lin Manuel-Miranda design the play to use history …show more content…

However, the inconsistencies of Hamilton were when the duel that occurred between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, also his personal life such as his relationships with certain people, and lastly the impression that was made of certain politics. This musical stresses the idea of a present simplification of historical events that had taken place. For instance, the duel that presents a misinterpretation of us is that in the 1800 presidential election, Thomas Jefferson led this event to the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. However, this is historically inaccurate because it was interpreted during the play that while it was the presidential election in the 1800s due to their public political difference what occurred. This was not the case; the real reason this duel occurred between the two was that during this time Aaron Burr was attempting to become vice-president but couldn’t be for his second term. Even though he attempted to run for New York Governor, he was unsuccessful as well. Which then led Alexander Hamilton to create comments such as calling him "a man of irregular and unsatiable