Historical Narrative: Atahualpa

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Historical Narrative On November 16, 1532 Francisco Pizarro invited Atahualpa to a feast in his “honor”. Atahualpa brought 5,000 unarmed men to this feast. Atahualpa and his tribe were at the feast when Francisco and his crew opened arm on the unarmed Incas. Francisco Pizarro had only 200 men with him, but they were all armed.Having no weapons or a way to defend themselves, Pizarro’s men massacre the Incas. Atahualpa was taken capture during this event. Francisco made him convert to Christianity before killing him. Francisco wanted Atahualpa and his tribe to switch to Christianity. When they refused Francisco took extreme measures. He wanted them to switch and when they didn’t he is inviting them to a feast, but really it was a trap. All because