Consumerism In Coca Cola, Mcdonalds, And Nike

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Globalization in its basic economic sense refers to the adoption of open and unfettered trading markets (through lowering of trade barriers, removal of capital controls, and liberalization of foreign exchange restrictions). Large volumes of money movement, increased volumes of trade, changes in information technology and communication are all integral to a global world. There is also a significant movement of people from one country to another for trade and work. Such increases in the movement of goods, labor, and services have weakened national barriers and restrictions that are imposed by a nation state. “ Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Nike are examples of such growth and proliferation. The media then plays a major role in advertising the …show more content…

One of the most important elements to note about modern consumerism is the scale. Consumerism as we recognize it has relatively recent roots. It’s most modern evolution emerged to the forefront of European and early American society as early as 1850, but really began to intensify in the early 1900s during the Second Industrial Revolution. During this time, the boom of industrialization had a huge influence on how people spent their money in America. The industrial revolution 's mass production of automobiles, growth and use of railroads and creation of factory jobs led to a steady flow of employment and wealth. Many people found themselves with disposable income for the first time. With time, the newly-established middle class in America could more consistently afford to purchase things beyond their essential means of survival. Although the Great Depression of the 1920s did slow down the rate of consumerism for a time, it quickly rebounded by the close of World War II and has grown exponentially ever since. Some argue that modern consumerism has stagnated with globalization, a topic for a whole other day.
LT (Low Tension) vs. HT (High …show more content…

Since for the purpose of bulk power generation, only thermal, nuclear and hydro power comes handy, therefore a power generating station can be broadly classified in the 3 above mentioned types. Let us have a look in these types of power stations in details.
Global Adjustment
Consumers who pay the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP), or have signed a retail contract, will see their electricity bills also include a line for the Global Adjustment. These charge accounts for the differences between the market price and the rates paid to regulated and contracted generators and for conservation and demand management programs.
Domestic, Commercial and Industrial tariffs Distribution companies provide electricity at different rates to different categories of consumers. Every state has different categories that cater to the needs of the businesses prevalent in their states. But the most common categories are domestic (residential), commercial (shops and offices) and Industrial (manufacturing units). With rates being lowest for residential consumers and highest for industrial consumers. Within these categories there are separate rates for LT and HT. So if we have to list down, following categories will be available in most