History Of Depression Essay

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History of Depression Depression has always been around, but it has not always been seen as separate from other types of mental illnesses. Due to this the origin can not be traced to a certain time period, so one would also have to pay attention to the development of psychiatry as a whole. Changing of scientific knowledge of depression occurs due to changing of attitudes of that time period, mainly ideas about human behavior, which are not directly connected with science. Depression was initially called “melancholia”. The earliest account of depression appeared in ancient texts of Mesopotamia in the second millennium B.C. During this time period, all mental diseases were caused by demonic possession, and a priest would attend those suffering from it to. The first historical understanding of depression was that depression is a spiritual or mental illness rather than a physical disease. Throughout history many have …show more content…

During the Middle Ages, religious beliefs began to dominate European explanations of mental illnesses. The Church was concerned with life in the hereafter rather than on earth. Because the Church began to endorse the belief of healing powers of religious symbols, there began a decline in healing arts. Middle Ages was focused on the belief of possession by the devil, demon, or witches caused depression. Magic was seen as evidence of communication with devils. Treatment during this time period was often exorcisms, drowning, and burning. During the Renaissance age, the church was under attack. witch-hunts and executions of those believed to be depressed were common. The devil was seen as the cause of all mental disorders and those suffering from them were equated with sin. If a doctor during this time could not find a cause of depression or a treatment, it was then believed to be caused by the devil. Treatment still remained to be drowning and