History Of Migration In India

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This paper is mainly focused on overview of migration in India. Migration in India is mostly influenced by Social Structures and pattern of development. The development policies by all the governments since Independence have accelerated the process of migration. Uneven development is the main cause of Migration. Added to it, are the disparities, Inter regional and amongst different socio-economic classes. There are two important reasons for rural labour migration: (1) migration for survival and (2) migration for subsistence. The first indicates the severe social and economic hardships faced by rural labourers, a situation where migration becomes necessary to stay alive. These communities are generally landless, illiterate and drawn largely from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other depressed castes.
Key Words: Migration, Labour, Poverty, Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes.
Our 70per cent population lives in the rural areas and their main source of livelihood is agriculture. Labour is the single most important factor in determining national income. Poverty is the main obstacle for the development of any country, but it is a very grave phenomenon where a section of society is unable to fulfill the basic necessities of life like bread, cloth, house and education. In rural areas people don’t get an employment, their main livelihood is mostly agriculture and in some cases seasonal employment in agriculture, that’s why workers face a lot of problems. The landless