History Of The Duquesne Spy Ring And Anthrax Investigation

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The FBI was a very influential organization from the dawn of its creation; especially in with its participation in some of the world’s most important cases. A couple of the most relevant cases are the Duquesne Spy Ring and Anthrax Investigation. On these occasions the maxim, “the only thing to fear was fear itself”, was no longer the motto because terrorism was now reality in America. The Duquesne Spy ring case all started with a man by the name of William Sebold; who was a German-American who served as a double agent for the FBI. While returning to Germany in September 1939 to visit family, he was persuaded by high officials of Germany such as Major Nickolaus Ritter of the German Secret Service to serve as a spy against America. With his …show more content…

It is even discussed that in 1916 he claimed to have disguised himself as Russian Duke Boris Zakrevsky and boarded HMS Hampshire in Scotland along with Field Marshal Lord Kitchener (Britain's Secretary of State for War) where he “alerted a German U-boat to the Hampshire's approach, then escaped on a life raft. The ship was sunk, killing Kitchener and many others.” This infamous man was the leader of this dynamic spy ring who would submitted information dealing with national defense in America, the sailing of ships to British ports, and technology. In one instance he “provided Sebold with photographs and specifications of a new type of bomb being produced in the United States” and explained explained how fires could be started in industrial plants. After obtaining enough evidence for a complete case 33 spies were arrested and nineteen of which quickly pled guilty while others were found guilty at trial in the days following the Pearl Harbor attack. On January 2, 1942, these members headed by Frederick Joubert Duquesne were “sentenced to serve a total of over 300 years in prison” all thanks to the FBI’s intellegence …show more content…

Not only did 9’11 occur but there was a chemical war on Americas hands as well. This was the anthrax attacks that occured shortly after 9/11 in September to 18 victims of the attacks were identified between October 3 and November 20. This was caused by dried spores of
B. anthracis that were sent through letters by the public mail. Five people are known to have died from the anthrax and The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic

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