History Of The Washerwoman/Laundress Strike Of 1881

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Domestic Labor Strikes of 1881 included laundresses, hotel workers, and many more. But one of the bigger strikes of 1881 was the Washerwoman/ Laundress strike. The washerwoman strike of 1881 affected laundresses worldwide and future laundresses . In 1881 Atlanta, Georgia laundry was and is a big part of staying hygienic. During 1881 laundry work was one of the first chores that some women could afford to have someone do it for them. By this time north Atlanta was all about commercialized laundry, and the south still had/used washerwoman/laundresses. These washerwoman/laundresses worked extremely long hours for very low wages such as; four dollars for up to two months of long work days. After slavery was abolished (in 1807) One third of either non-slave/or ex-slave black women raised families alone. Due to this laundresses and washerwoman had many chances of work. …show more content…

Throughout the week the washerwoman/laundresses had to carry gallons of water from wells and pumps to use for washing. Many washerwoman/ laundresses were not given any soap. Due to that washerwoman/laundresses made their own soap out of lye and starch. A normal week for a laundress/ washerwoman included working everyday (a seven day workweek), very little respect, and low wages. This work was usually accompanied with other jobs. Ninety- eight percent of the black women cooked, cleaned, washed clothes, and nannied in white households. For washerwoman/laundresses these were not ideal work