
History Of Vietnam War Essay

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INTRODUCTION: This war is also called Second Indo- China War.It took place from 1955 to 1975 in the areas of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.This War was fought between North-Vietnam and
South-Vietnam.North Vietnam was supported by China, Sovait union and other communist allies. While on the other hand South – Vietnam was supported by U.S.A,Australia,South-Korea and other Anti-Communist allies.Basically it was fight of two ideologies comminism and captilism.It was between two global powers U.S.A and Sovait union.More then 3 million people died in this war in which there were 58000 Americans and half of them were Vietnamese peoples.In 1969,when US involvement was at it’s peak more then 500,000 US army personals took part in the war. But after some time this war start giving results.Huge damage to economy of US to about 10.6 billion dollars.So voices start rising in the country against the war that this war is not ours we should not be part of it our soldiers are getting dead in the war.At result
President of America Richard Nixon ordered the withdrawl of American forces …show more content…

The North-Vietnam was having strong stand on the point that they want complete withdrawl of American forces and as result there will be peace.On Nov 15,1969 the largest protest took place in history of America infront of Washington DC as over 250,000 Americans gathered peacefully calling for withdrawl of American forces from

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