Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Language Analysis

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How does the author use language devices and techniques to make comments on the societies in which they live? My two chosen texts are: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book and film. Douglas Adams, who is the author of the book, uses a range of literary devices to help to make comments on the society, in which he lives. Garth Jennings uses a range of camera techniques to help him to make comments on the society, in which he lives. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy is a book and film that is about a man called Arthur Dent who gets saved by an alien called Ford Prefect just before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway. They go on an adventure hitchhiking and meet some other people along the way who are on a journey …show more content…

For example: Arthur Dent is very sad because of the destruction of not just his home, but also the entire planet, on which he lived on. Trillian also becomes sad and that turns into anger quickly when she finds out that her home planet has been destroyed, “She had expected to not see the planet again, but she was disturbed by her negative reaction to the planet’s destruction” (Adams, D, P. 115, 1979). Marvin, the robot is constantly depressed throughout the entirety of the two texts: “Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway, so I don’t know why I bother to say it, oh god, I’m so depressed” (Adams, D, P.100, 1979). This contrasts with the film, not only because the characters are the same, but the way Garth Jennings has slow camera movement in these scenes to help the effect of the characters being sad. In the scene where the Earth explodes, Garth Jennings uses a stop-start zoom out technique to zoom out from Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect to the ships that destroy the planet. It is overly long and dramatic to help the theme of sadness that is happening throughout the film. Both the author of the book and the director of the film are trying to express that there are depressing things in life, but you should look to the bright