Hofstede Film Summary

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The theory of Hofstede says that the framework of cross cultural communication it’s described the effects on the culture of the society on the values of its members. Culture has been unclear in a many ways, Hofstede also says that culture as collective programming of the mind it is distinguished group or category of people from another. Also, he explains culture as the software of the mind and he identifies 3 aspects of human mental: human nature, personality and culture.
Trompenaas definition is a model of differences in national cultures that model, it’s included 7 areas that are used to identify how people from different nations and cultures are interrupted with each others. The 7 areas are 1: Universalism-particulars 2: individualism- …show more content…

Film like The Passion of Christ it is combine with the Roman culture. The hoollywood productions have ever been making the world aware about the social knowledge or the culture they make mavies to approximate some cultures that have been positively to the films and the audiens. Also the American culture is one of the most adopting cuture from others fims out of US and this aspect have make the Hollywood nowon to not trying to promote the American cuture but to bring others cultures to their nighbords. The Islamic religion and culture is the one that is the most crucial to Hollywood films. Also people now can see the differences and changes around the world when they see movies they are able to obtain cultural awareness of different nations or cultures they can analize the deferensies. The power that US shows in the film and the forces that they have against the terrorism are some classical issues that Hoolywood produce they presend the American government being more powerful than other governments, this makes the audience to have a view that the Americans have the power of security of their citizens. Masculimity and femininity are also some aspect that Hoolywood films are …show more content…

The cultural protectionis have been a element from many manionals and policies, the generic protectionist formula is the sens of controlling and measures, over the years is has developed many different expressions and has a important ideological revamping that is moving from the cultural exception to the cultural diversity, and the cultural protectionism has not be a core objective.
The protectionism hurds the US film producers because fiml produces in US is a big industry and they have many incomes from that production avery year many billions from the exports of their movies to the EU and all the world, there have been many issues of cultural protectionism in relation with foreing film makers out of