Holden Cherishing Childhood In 'Catcher In The Rye'

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Growing Up One of my earliest childhood memories is playing youth football for Batavia. Childhood is a time of joy and new experiences, but everyone has to grow up. Holden, in Catcher in The Rye, doesn’t want to grow up or forget his childhood memories. He doesn’t want to grow up because he says the world is full of phoney’s. One example of Holden cherishing childhood is when he looks at Phoebe’s notebook. Holden comes home early and sneaks through Phoebe’s window. She wakes up and sees him. After a while she falls asleep and he reads her notebook and sees something about himself. When he sees the notebook he starts to get a little teared up. He cries because he wants to keep protecting her innocence. One other example of Holden cherishing