The Boy Who Cried Wolf Essay

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Menwa Al-Mana Mrs.Feitosa English 10.2 11/16/2015 Rationale I chose to write a fairy-tale from Holden to Phoebe, and I specifically chose “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” because I felt as if I could express Holden’s feelings about phony characters. I also decided to show the relationship between Holden and his little sister Phoebe by having Holden swear multiple times, and have Phoebe cut him off. This relates to Catcher in the Rye because as Holden progresses in the story he swears less and less to please his sister since the story is directed towards her. This is appropriate to the book because he has very strong feelings towards characters in books, so him being critical towards them and showing his hatred in his tone makes the story connect to …show more content…

Overall, I believe that this specific fairy-tale, and this part of him reveals his critical yet sweet side. The Boy Who Cried Wolf “Well Phoebe, if you really want to hear about it-.” I said. “No swearing” Old Phoebe was already getting sore. “Anyways, Once upon a time or whatever, there was a boy. He lived in, well, to tell you the truth I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure it’s not around here. Anyways, this boy’s job was to take care of sheep in this village, it was depressing as hell. He was watching all the sheep, and trying to keep the crumby wolves away.This village hardly had any dough. They based their existence off sheep. I mean out of every animal on this entire godda-” “No swearing Holden!” Old Phoebe is a real pain sometimes. “Chrissake Phoebe. Anyway, Sheep are lousy if you ask me. He must have gotten pretty bored just watching lousy good for nothing sheep all day I mean who wouldn’t? Now this boy was the most terrific liar you’ve ever seen in your life, but he’s also the biggest phony you’ve ever seen. Anyway, one morning he woke up ready for work. After a few hours of boredom he got an idea. Since this sonovabit-” “Holden I won’t listen to your story if you don’t stop