Holistic Nursing And Self-Care

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My perspective on holistic nursing and self-care Introduction In context of World Health Organization, self-care is often defined as activities individuals, families and communities undergoes with the motive of increasing health, overcoming disease, limiting illness and restoring health ("What is", n.d.). The knowledge and skills are gained from both professional and lay experiences for such activities. According to Klebanoff & Hess (2013), holistic nursing is defined as all nursing practice that has only motive of healing the whole person as its prime goal. A holistic nurse is like a licensed nurse who often incorporates a “mind-body-spirit-emotion-environment” approach to the practice of traditional nursing. Holistic nursing practices often require the combination of self-care and personal development activities into one 's life. Holistic nurses involves in self assessment, self-care and personal development, aware of being the sole instruments of healing. Holistic nursing emphasizing on integration of spirituality, self-responsibility, self-care and reflection in their lives. Smith (2006) discussed her life as a holistic nurse. White & Clegg (2009) highlighted approach in context of providing support to patients suffering from long-term conditions. The idea of healing the person as a whole being dates back to period of Florence Nightingale who held the view that nurses duty was to keep optimal conditions for healing. Rourke (1991) tried to find out